1) To register the created NCPKS cluster with Cocktail Cloud, follow these steps
1) Click the "+ Cluster Registration" button located in the upper right corner of the [Infrastructure] - [Clusters] tab.
1) Set the provider attribute in the Cluster Configuration form to 'Naver Cloud Platform.'
2) Choose the type attribute as 'NCPKS.'
3) Upon selecting these two attributes, the Cluster UUID setting will appear in the cluster configuration form.
4) Choose the region as the one where NCPKS was created (Example: Korea(KR)).
Provider and type fields are mandatory.
Cluster UUID*
After creating the cluster, check and retrieve the information from the Kubernetes config file (~/.kube/config)
Cluster Name*
Enter the Cluster Name to be managed by Cocktail Cloud
Kubernetes Version*
Enter the Kubernetes Version for the Cluster to be registered
ID to be managed by Cocktail Cloud - The ID should consist of only lowercase letters, numbers, and three specified special characters (- . _) (example: eks-acornsoft-demo-cluster) - Must not overlap with the IDs of other already registered clusters
Description of the Cluster to be registered
Master Address*
Confirm and input as you would with UUID, checking the Kubernetes config file (~/.kube/config)
Node Port Host Address*
Enter the Public IP of Kubernetes
Node Port Range*
Input the port range 30000-32767, which is available in Kubernetes
Cluster CA Certification*
Confirm and input as you would with UUID, checking the Kubernetes config file (~/.kube/config)
Access Key ID*
Enter the NCLOUD_ACCESS_KEY in Naver Cloud Portal > My Page > Account Management > API Key Management
Secret Access Key*
Enter the NCLOUD_SECRET_KEY in Naver Cloud Portal > My Page > Account Management > API Key Management
1) Click the "Save" button in the menu bar to initiate the cluster registration.
2) After registration is complete, the cluster list will be displayed, allowing you to verify the recently registered cluster.
1) To register the created GKE cluster with Cocktail Cloud, follow these steps
1) Click the "+ Cluster Registration" button located in the upper right corner of the [Infrastructure] - [Clusters] tab.
1) Set the provider attribute in the Cluster Configuration form to 'Google Cloud Platform.'
2) Choose the type attribute as 'GKE.'
3) Upon selecting these two attributes, the authentication attribute will appear in the cluster configuration form.
4) Click the authentication button, and a Google authentication window will appear. Enter your Google account credentials.
Provider and type fields are mandatory.
The Google account used must be the one used when creating the GKE cluster to be registered.
1) Once authentication is complete, the authentication attribute will display 'Authentication Completed.'
2) Click the "Save" button in the menu bar to initiate the cluster registration.
The remaining attributes not entered will be automatically filled in based on the information from the GKE cluster after registration.
3) After registration is complete, the cluster list will be displayed, allowing you to verify the recently registered cluster.
Project ID*
Select the Google Cloud Project ID - The Project ID is associated with the project where the GKE cluster to be registered is created.
Select the GKE Cluster to Register
Cluster Name*
Enter the Cluster Name to be managed by Cocktail Cloud - The ID can only consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and three specified special characters (- . _) (example: GKE Acornsoft Demo Cluster - 1.00.00) - The name must not overlap with the names of other already registered clusters
Enter the Cluster ID
When you have previously registered an existing EKS cluster in Cocktail and need to delete it, simply delete the cluster from the AWS console. Please keep this in mind.
1) Register the created EKS cluster with the Cocktail Cloud using the following procedure.
1) Click on the "+ Register cluster in use" button in the upper right corner of the [Infrastructure] - [Clusters] tab.
1) Select 'Amazon Web Service' as the provider in the cluster configuration form.
2) Choose the type attribute as 'EKS'.
3) Once these two attributes are selected, the Cluster ID setting will be displayed in the cluster configuration form.
4) Choose the region as the one where EKS was created (Example: Seoul (ap-northeast-2)).
The Provider and Type fields are mandatory.
Cluster ID*
Cluster name managed by AWS EKS - Retrieve from the Kubernetes config file for the cluster to be registered (~/.kube/config) - Alternatively, check in the AWS console under EKS > Clusters and input the information.
The content written for the cluster ID remains the same - Must not overlap with the IDs of other already registered clusters
Kubernetes Version*
Enter the Kubernetes Version for the Cluster to be registered
Cluster Name*
The Cluster Name to be used in Cocktail Cloud
Description of the Cluster to be registered
Master address*
Kubernetes Master API Address -Alternatively, check AWS Console > EKS > API Server Endpoint section and enter
Node Port Host Address*
Enter the Public IP of Kubernetes
Node Port Range*
Input the port range 30000-32767, which is available in Kubernetes
Cluster CA Certification*
Cluster CA Certificate
- check AWS Console > EKS > Certificate authority section and enter.
Access Key ID*
ACCESS_KEY of the AWS IAM user with access to the cluster to be registered - Confirm and retrieve from AWS Console > IAM > Users.
Secret Access Key*
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY of the AWS IAM user with access to the cluster to be registered
- Confirm and retrieve from AWS Console > IAM > Users.
1) Click the "Save" button in the menu bar to save the cluster registration.
2) After registration is complete, the cluster list will be displayed.
1) To use PV/PVC, you need to create a new storage class.
1) Click on the "+ Create" button at the top right corner of the [Storage] - [Storage Classes] tab, then select AWS EBS CSI.
1) Fill out the settings form accordingly, then click the "Save" button.
Storage Controller Name
Description of the Storage Controller
Base Storage
Default Storage Settings for Use in this Cluster
Volume Binding Mode*
Volume Binding Mode Selection
- Immediate: Operates at the time PVC is created.
- WaitForFirstConsumer: Operates at the time Pod is created
Reclaim Policy*
- RETAIN: The storage remains when deleted and is automatically reattached upon recreation.
- DELETE: The storage is deleted along with the resource.
Name and Value are separated. In each server, enter the IP of the server-side (target) for server, and for share, enter the mount path of the server-side (target).
Mount Options
Only values can be registered. For each, enter "hard" for the value and specify the NFS version (nfsvers). For default OS, set nfsversion to 4.1, and for NAS or other storage, set it to 3.
1) You can now verify the created storage class
1) To register a non-public cloud cluster with Cocktail Cloud, follow these steps
1) Click the "+ Register In-Use Cluster" button located in the upper right corner of the [Infrastructure] - [Clusters] tab.
1) Set the provider attribute in the Cluster Configuration form to 'Datacenter.'
2) Choose the type attribute as 'MANAGED.'
3) Choose the region as the one where the cluster was created (Example: Korea).
Provider and type fields are mandatory.
Cluster Name*
The name of the cluster to be managed in Cocktail Cloud
Kubernetes Version*
Enter the Kubernetes version of the created cluster
ID for management in Cocktail Cloud - IDs can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and three special characters (- . _). (e.g., eks-acornsoft-demo-cluster) - IDs cannot be duplicates of IDs already registered for other clusters.
Description of the cluster to be registered
Master address*
Enter the IP address displayed after running the command $ sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/acloud-client.conf | grep server
Node Port Host Address*
Enter the Public IP of Kubernetes
Node Port Range*
Input the port range 30000-32767, which is available in Kubernetes
Cluster CA Certification*
Enter the portion after "certificate-authority-data:" displayed when running the command $ sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/acloud-client.conf | grep certificate-authority-data
Client Certificate Data*
Enter the portion after "client-certificate-data:" displayed when running the command $ sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/acloud-client.conf | grep client-certificate-data
Client Key Data*
Enter the value displayed after running the command $ sudo cat /etc/kubernetes/acloud-client.conf | grep client-key-data
1) Click the "Save" button in the menu bar to initiate the cluster registration.
2) After registration is complete, the cluster list will be displayed, allowing you to verify the recently registered cluster.