By default, Cocktail Cloud provides Harbor (Registry) when configuring the platform. Additionally, it supports integration with external registries. You can register externally created registries in Cocktail, enabling image builds and deployments.
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a fully managed container registry that provides highly available and secure hosting for container images and artifacts. It allows you to deploy your applications reliably anywhere.
1) Move to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registry].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner and select the provider you want to create.
1) Click the "+ Register" button, and then select "AWS ECR"
2) After entering the AWS authentication information in the basic details, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name for the external container registry you want to register
Enter the description for the external container registry you want to register
Endpoint URL*
Endpoint Address of the External Container Registry
Region of the Registered Registry
Name of the Registered Registry
Access ID*
Access Key
Access Secret*
Secret Access Key
Enter the name of the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry in the description.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Select the region of the registered registry.
Enter the name of the registered registry.
Enter Access ID and Access Secret.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
1) Access the AWS Console to retrieve the necessary information.
3) Click "Other" among the next buttons and click "Next."
4) Enter a description tag for the access key to be created and click the "Create access key" button.
5) Confirm the generated access key and secret access key values.
You can create both private and public repositories.
(Note: This guide is written based on the private repository in the 'us-east-1' region, and the process is the same for public repositories.)
1) Click the "Create Repository" button in the upper right corner.
2) Enter the repository name to create the repository.
(In Cocktails, builds are done with "Registry Address/Image Name" so please make sure to create the registry as "Registry Name/Image Name")
1) Retrieve the necessary information from the list of created repositories in Cocktails.
EndPoint URL
: The table below provides the necessary information
(User Number).dkr.ecr.(Region).amazonaws.com
public.ecr.aws/(User Alias)
Registry : Repository Name Created by User
※ Permissions need to be granted separately for Private Registries.
1) Click on "Settings" in [Amazon Elastic Container Registry] for the [Private registry].
2) Click the "Generate Policy" button in the upper right corner of [Settings] - [Permissions].
3) lick "JSON" in the upper right corner, add the following items, and click "Save Policy" to save.
Sid: Permission Name
Principal: Specify one or more AWS account IDs to grant permission. Specify more than one account using a comma-separated list.
Action : “ecr:*”
Azure Container Registry(ACR) is a container image storage and management service provided by Azure. ACR offers various features necessary for storing and deploying Docker images.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider to create.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Azure ACR."
2) After registering Azure ACR authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry
Endpoint URL*
Enter the login server information
Enter the name of the already registered registry
Client ID
Client Secret*
Enter the name of the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry in the description.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Select the region of the registered registry.
Enter the Client ID and Client Secret.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
1) Access the Azure Portal to retrieve the necessary information.
2) Click on "Management Groups" to efficiently manage access, policies, and compliance for subscriptions.(All services - Management and governance - Management groups)
2-1) Click the "Create" button to go to the creation screen.
2-2) Create a management group to be used internally.
3) Click on "Subscriptions" to create a set that encompasses all resources.
3-1) Click the "Add" button to go to the creation screen.
4) Click on "Resource Groups," a logical container for managing resources grouped together. (All services - Management and governance - Resource Group)
4-1) Click the "Create" button to go to the creation screen.
4-2) [Create Resource Group] - Choose a resource group name and region, then create.
5) Click on "Resources" to create resources that can be used for Azure services.
5-1) In the marketplace, search for "registry" and click on "Container Registry."
5-2) Click the "Create" button.
5-3) Register with subscription, resource group, registry name, and location (region).
6) Click on the created resource and click on "Access Keys."
: Registry Name
EndPoint URL
: Login Server
Client ID
: User Name
Client Secret
: Password
Docker Registry based on Docker Hub for Private use.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider for creation.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Docker Registry"
2) After registering Docker Registry authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name of the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry in the description.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Enter the name of the registered registry.
Enter Access ID and Access Secret.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
1) Click on the profile in the upper right corner and select "My Account."
2) Confirm the Access ID
Access ID
: User's nickname or email address
3) Click on the "Security" tab on the right, then click on "New Access Token" in the upper right.
4) Enter a description for the token and copy the Access Token upon issuance.
Access Token
: Copy Access Token
Harbor is a container registry used in addition to the one registered through "Registry Creation" used in the internal cluster.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider to create.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Harbor"
2) After registering Harbor authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name for the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry.
Enter the EndPoint URL.
Enter the registry name.
Enter Access ID and Access Secret.
If CA Certificate exists, enter it (optional).
Check the option for using Insecure (optional).
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
Quay Registry is an open-source container image registry used for storing and managing Docker images. Originally developed by CoreOS, it is currently part of Red Hat.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider to create.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Quay"
2) After registering Quay authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name for the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Enter the registry name.
Enter Access ID + Robot ID and Access Secret.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
The robot ID needs to be associated with an existing repository.
1) Access Quay and click on the profile in the upper right corner. Select "Account Settings."
2) Click on "Robot Accounts," the second menu in the right tab, and then click "Create Robot Account" in the upper right corner.
3) Create an ID for the robot, select the repository you created, and grant the necessary permissions.
4) Click on the created RobotID to check the Access Secret.
Access ID+ RobotID
: The first value in the image.
Access Secret
: The second value in the image.
2) Click on the registered user, then click the tab, and click the button in the upper right corner of the "Access keys" box.
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry
Endpoint URL*
External Container Registry Endpoint Address
Enter the name of the already registered registry
Access ID*
Docker Login ID
Access Secret*
Docker Login Token
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry
Endpoint URL*
Enter the Endpoint Address of the external container registry
Enter the name of the already registered registry
Access ID*
Harbor Login ID
Access Secret*
Harbor Login Password
Ca Certificate
Enter the private certificate information
Specify whether it's insecure
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry
Endpoint URL*
External Container Registry Endpoint Addres
Enter the name of the already registered registry
Access ID+RobotID*
Enter the issued Access ID + Robot ID
Access Secret*
Enter the issued Secret
Docker Hub is a container registry built to enable developers and open-source contributors to discover, use, and share container images.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider for creation.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Docker Hub"
2) After registering Docker Hub authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry.
Endpoint URL*
Enter the registered registry namespace
Access ID*
Access Key
Access Secret*
Access Secret
Enter the name of the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry in the description.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Enter the name of the registered registry.
Enter Access ID and Access Secret.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
1) Log in to Docker Hub and click on "Repositories" at the top.
2) Click on "Create repository" in the upper right corner.
3) Create a namespace and the image to be generated.
Since Docker Hub creates both the repository and image name simultaneously, the image name in the Build/Pipeline > Build section should match the Docker Hub Repository Name for image build generation.
1) Click on the profile in the upper right corner and select "My Account."
2) Confirm the Access ID
Access ID
: User's nickname or email address
3) Click on the "Security" tab on the right, then click on "New Access Token" in the upper right.
4) Enter a description for the token and copy the Access Token upon issuance.
Access Token
: Copy Access Token
Google Container Registry provides secure private Docker storage on Google Cloud. The Container Registry is a private Docker storage compatible with widely used continuous deployment systems.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider for creation.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Google GCR."
2) After registering Google GCR authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry
Endpoint URL*
Enter the Endpoint URL corresponding to the registry region
Enter the name of the already registered registry
Access ID*
Access JSON*
Enter the google service account private key (in JSON key format)
Enter the name for the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry in the description.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Enter the registry name.
Enter Access ID and Access JSON.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
1) Log in to the Google Cloud Console.
2) In the Google Cloud Console, click on the "IAM & Admin" button.
3) Under the "IAM & Admin" tab, click on "Service Accounts," then click the "+ Create Service Account" button at the top center.
4) Set the name for the service account. then click "CREATE AND CONTINUE"button.
5) Set the permissions for the service account to be created.
Owner permissions grant full access to most Google Cloud resources.
You can provide different permissions if needed, but access may be restricted based on the assigned permissions..
6) Click on the created service account, click "Add Key," then click "Create a new key," choose JSON format, and click "Create."
7) Verify that the JSON file has been generated locally.
Accss JSON
: File contents
Project ID
: The name in the leftmost select box in the search.
: Repository name
Endpoint URL
: Region of the registry to be created
Naver Container Registry allows for the easy storage and management of container images in a private Docker registry and facilitates straightforward deployment to the Naver Cloud Platform.
1) Navigate to [Build Configuration] - [External Container Registries].
2) Click the "+ Register" button in the upper right corner to select the provider to create.
1) Click the "+ Register" button and select "Naver"
2) After registering Naver authentication information in the basic information, click the "Test Connection" button.
Enter the name for the registry to be created in the registry.
Enter a description for the registry.
Enter the EndPoint URL in the correct format.
Enter the registry name.
Enter Access ID and Access Secret.
Click "Test Connection" in the upper right corner to verify if the registry is available.
Click the "Save" button in the upper right corner.
Here are the steps to enable or disable the Public Endpoint.
Log in to the Naver Cloud Platform Console.
Click on "Services," then navigate to "Containers" > "Container Registry"
Click on the target registry name in the list.
In the detailed information section, click on the gear icon in the "Configuration" tab.
In the Configuration settings popup, click the toggle button for the "Public Endpoint" item to enable or disable it. After setting the preference, click the [Confirm] button to save the changes.
External Container Registry Endpoint Address -> Mostly fixed as
Enter the name of the external container registry to be registered
Enter a description for the external container registry
Endpoint URL*
Enter the Endpoint Address of the external container registry
Specify the region of the registered registry
Enter the name of the registered registry
Access ID*
Enter the access key
Access Secret*
Enter the secret access key