Execute the build with a new tag image for the specified build.
callback URL
Usage status (Enabled: Y, Disabled: N)
creation time
"2022-12-02 08:42:46"
update time
"2022-12-02 08:42:46"
Account number (system's account number)
Build server host (information about the server host where actual build steps are executed and images are generated)
Whether TLS is used on the server where the actual build is executed (Enabled: Y, Disabled: N)
TLS CA for the build execution server (CA value for TLS integration on the server where the actual build is executed)
Client certificate for the build execution server(Client certificate for TLS integration on the server where the actual build is executed.)
Client key for the build execution server.(Client key for TLS integration on the server where the actual build is executed.)
Build run type('BUILD' or 'CANCEL' or 'REMOVE')
Build run type
"Build run test"
build run state('CREATED' or 'RUNNING' or 'DONE' or 'ERROR')
Automatic tagging usage status (Enabled: Y, Disabled: N)
autotag sequence number type('DATETIME' or 'SEQUENCE')
Image tag name (tag name of the image to be built)
callback URL
Image URL (URL of the image registered in the registry)
Image size (bytes) (saved only if the build is successful)
Image Digest(saved only if the build is successful)
Pipeline information model related to builds
Usage status (Enabled: Y, Disabled: N)
Account number (system's account number)
begintime(format : data-time)
endtime(format : data-time)
runtime(unit : seconds)(endTime - beginTime)
Usage status (Enabled: Y, Disabled: N)
Creation time
update time
build step type(CODE_DOWN(Code repesitory task) or USER_TASK(user task) or FTP(file(FTP) task) or HTTP(REST call task) or SHELL(script task) or CREATE_IMAGE(image build task))
bulid step state('WAIT' or 'RUNNING' or 'ERROR' or 'DONE')
beginTime(format : data-time)
endTime(format : data-time)
runTime(단위 : 초)(endTime - beginTime)
빌드 단계 사용 여부
빌드 단계 Config(단계 종류에 따라 필드가 달라짐.)
빌드 단계 종류(CODE_DOWN(코드 리파지토리 작업) or USER_TASK(사용자 작업) or FTP(파일(FTP) 작업) or HTTP(REST 호출 작업) or SHELL(스크립트 작업) or CREATE_IMAGE(이미지 빌드 작업))
빌드 단계 작업 이름
빌드 단계 작업 설명
레파지토리 종류(GIT)
레파지토리 URL
Common저장소 사용 여부(체크 박스 선택 : [COMMON] 저장소 체크, 미 선택 : [PRIVATE])
프로토콜 사용(라디오 버튼 프로토콜 Type 선택 : 'http' or 'https')
사용자 아이디
사용자 비밀번호
브랜치 이름
코드 저장 디렉토리
인증서 검증 skip
List of possible actions('VIEW', 'BUILD', 'LOG', 'REMOVE', 'CANCEL')