Access [External APIs] - [APIs], then click on the "Issued" button.
Fill in the [Issue Token] window, fill in the required information, and then click the "Save" button.
The information to be filled in is as follows
Token name (non-editable)
Description of the token
Expiration Date
Indefinite or specific date designation
Allow IP
- List of allowed IP addresses - CIDR notation is allowed - Allow all IPs if left blank
Block IP
Blocked IP list
Enter the IP address and press Enter to complete the input
CIDR notation allowed
If the same IP is listed in the allowed IP list, it will be blocked instead
Request Limit
No input or 0 indicates unlimited
Unlimited cannot be modified.
Click the checkbox to set the permission scope
Click [OK] in the "Save?" popup window, then please check the issued token
Click on the icon to copy the token.