Image Build

Containers are deployed and executed as images. Container images are specified by name in the pod's container spec in the format of image_name:tag (e.g., nginx:latest). When using Docker Hub, the registry address where the image is located is often omitted.

Cocktail Cloud provides independent image registries for each workspace. It also offers automated image building through the 'Build' feature.

Image Registry

An image registry stores container images and provides them when the image is required for pod execution. The storage/provisioning interface of image registries is standardized. Typically, the 'Push' API is used to store images in the registry after creation, while the 'Pull' API is used to retrieve images during container execution.

In Cocktail Cloud, image registries can be allocated for each workspace, serving as independent registries for teams. Additionally, image registries can be shared among teams.

When deploying pods from the service map using an allocated image registry, the image configuration is performed by selecting a 'build' rather than specifying the image name. A build automates the process of creating images, and the latest image can be deployed to pods based on the selected build's 'tag.'


A build is a resource in Cocktail Cloud that automates the process of generating container images. Builds can have one or more tags, with each tag defining a different creation process. Tags can be seen as image versions. The process of generating images is called the build flow.

Builds store generated images in the image registry allocated to the workspace. Therefore, images and builds are synonymous, but each image tag (version) has a unique build flow. The structure is Image Registry -> Image (Build) -> Tag (Build Flow).

Users deploy builds (images) and tags (versions) in pods for workloads. The image generated by the build flow of the selected tag is then deployed and executed. The pipeline in the service map automates the entire process of updating images by executing the build flow of the image tag after code changes.

Build Flow

The build flow automates the process of generating images for a specific tag (version). Each step executed by the build flow for image creation is called a 'task.'

Cocktail Cloud offers various types of default tasks, and users can create custom tasks to configure the build flow. Default tasks include downloading code from code repositories (Git), executing user-defined scripts, and building images using Dockerfiles. Additionally, tasks for integrating with external systems' APIs and FTP-based file transfers are provided.

Users can develop and add/extend tasks to the build flow. User-defined tasks need to be containerized before adding them to the build flow.

Tasks in the build flow are executed on the 'build server.' Cocktail Cloud provides options to adjust the capacity of the build server. For build tasks requiring substantial resources, the capacity of the build server can be adjusted.

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